Jackman is known to have the best snowmobiling conditions in the Northeast. Our impressive snow conditions, well-maintained trail system, and access from most lodging facilities make it perfect for taking that snowmobile out on the trails or in the mountains. Being the "Snowbelt of Maine," our community has been catering to snowmobilers for over 20 years. The high elevation and wind patterns usually allow this region to get snow when most of the state does not. Our season can start as early as December and go through to March. Remember, "We get the snow first and lose it last"! Visit the Border Riders Club website more maps, Trail conditions and more information.
All residents of Maine and non-residents must register their sled in Maine to ride the trails. You can do this here in town when you arrive or on line at the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Crossing the border:
1. If you choose to ride to the border and beyond into Quebec, you should travel with the same paperwork you would carry if traveling to Canada by auto: Photo ID, Passport, registration and insurance. For information on snowmobiling in Quebec contact the Quebec Federation of Snowmobile Clubs.
2.You must have a trail pass to ride in Quebec which you can get at the first clubhouse.
3. ITS 89/75 crossing is open 24/7.
Snowmobile Trail Reports and Club Links
Border Riders Sportsman’s Club and their Facebook page.
Pittston Farm and their Facebook page.
Coburn Summit Riders and their Facebook page.
The Forks
Safety facts according to the Maine Snowmobile Association
"Common sense, courtesy and safety are the basis of snowmobiling regulations in the state of Maine. If you know the laws, respect other people's rights and snowmobile safely, you'll have fun, rather than problems."
1. Do not drink and ride - Maine has a tough snowmobobile DUI law. If you manage to drink and ride and are caught before you are killed, you will be punished with mandatory jail time and fines. Luckily, in Jackman, you can walk to most accommodations from the pubs in town.
2. Always Ride to the right - It is required by law that a snowmobile operate to the right of center on the trail when approaching or navigating a curve, corner, grade or hill - why not just stay to the right, even on straight-aways.
3. Use your hand signals - If you need a copy, they are in your handbook.
4 Ride defensively - Basically, you should always expect the unexpected; there could always be that one sledder coming toward you who is not paying attention. Also consider that most snowmobile trails are cut in the woods where many of our 4 legged friends call home! WILDLIFE HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY! If you come up on a Moose on the trail, stop and let him mosey on off the trail on his own. DO not follow him on foot. Just enjoy the moment of seeing the magnificent creature.
5. Carry a map and stay on the trails. Shortcuts can not only be hazardous if you do not know the area, sledders can get "turned around" pretty easily out there.
6. Riding alone is not the best plan. It is better to ride with a friend: If you run into mechanical trouble, you will have someone along who can truck you back home; bury your sled, and there is extra hands to help dig out; take a wrong turn, and there is someone else to blame.
7. Let someone know where you are planning to go and when you plan to return. An itinerary form left with a friend, the motel staff etc is invaluable if you actually run into trouble on the trail.
8. Check weather reports before heading out. Ever been on a sled in a white out? Enough said.
9 Dress appropriately (in layers) and wear a helmet. No one should operate a snowmobile without the protection of a helmet. A life saver in the case of an accident, your helmet will also keep you protected from the occasional tree branch "face slapper" and inclement weather.
10. Carry a basic repair kit. Saves a lot of frustration if you have a spare belt, a couple tools, etc. with you. (An even better idea is to give your sled a good going over before every trip.)
11. Do not cross frozen bodies of water unless you are absolutely sure of ice thickness. Trails generally will not lead you across ponds or lakes unless there is no reasonable alternative. - check locally for current ice thickness.
12. When riding, also keep an eye out for groomers on the trails. Always slow down when approaching a groomer from either direction. Their average speed is only 5-8mph and they are exceptionally wide and long. They have the right of way.